Hi, sorry to be so neglectful, but yes, Danger Panda hit it on the head with her rebuke about my time on Facebook. I confess to hunting for the rare koi eggs....

....all the live long day on Saturday. And I do mean
all the live long day. But I did manage to clean the house, which badly needed it. Brian has been pitching in by vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms, but I really needed to scrub the place. So 2 hours, 6 empties of the Dyson, 3 Swiffer wet jet pads and a box of Swiffer dusters later, I finally finished at 7:00 p.m. last night.
Oh, and a note from Axe: The IT people where she works screwed up her computer and internet big time so she is unable to blog for the time being. I told her I'd let everyone know.
Still no news on the job front for Brian. Although we are, of course, thrilled with Obama's win, the economy continues sliding, we continue to watch our 401(k) and investments hemorrhage money and more people up here are being laid off as businesses shut their doors. We're still weathering the "storm" OK, but the low morale has taken it's toll on everyone. I'm not in the mood for the holidays at all and I didn't even bother pulling out any Thanksgiving decorations. I'm not sure what I'm doing about Christmas decorating yet. I'm just so blasted tired when I get home. Mentally, emotionally and physically drained. I don't want to go anywhere (read: "I don't want to go to the gym") or do anything but watch TV and Facebook. Weekends are too short. Mondays come too fast. TV news is all bad. I'm just hanging on for my upcoming 5-day Thanksgiving vacation.
Is anyone going to go shopping at 4:00 a.m. on the day after Thanksgiving? Me neither. I just don't see the point of getting up at the crack of 3:00 a.m., to stand in line in the cold (and likely wet) morning just to be trampled trying to get an X-box on sale. It's not happenin' people. My shopping is pretty much done, and I plan to spend the long weekend colouring, making holiday cards and just relaxing with Brian and our doggies.
Speaking of cards, I got an email from one of my friends with a cool idea. Send an extra holiday card to:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington DC, 20307-5001
So that's all the news that is news from this part of the country. I will try to be better about keeping my blog updated more often!!!