Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

November 30, 2008

I give up

I just don't have the time or patience to dick around trying to fix the damn template on the new format. I somehow managed to get back to my old template, don't ask me how, but the pepto bismol look is going to have to suffice till I figure this shit out. The "tips for bloggers" was not helpful and I couldn't find where to put all my links.


  1. Oh dear ... I feel your pain. It's not too pepto bismolly tho, lol.

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks Drowsey! At first when I selected my template, I wanted something bold. But it's a little TOO bold first thing in the morning, you know? lol

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Hey hon, we're celebrating the fact you're still here :0)

    Love the cartoons!

  4. Ah, Pepto-Bismol. That's a blast from the past.

    A bright pink Queenbead is much better than NO Queenbead.

  5. Thanks you guys!!!! I'm just glad to have my blog roll back!

  6. Anonymous9:38 PM

    well, it's still a lovely blog...even with the pepto bismol pink. remember, it's not the color or template that's the content,that's important

  7. Thanks Fen, unfortunately, my "content well" has run completely dry. I have no idea what to blog about anymore. Everything is bad news and I don't want to turn my blog into doom & gloom.

  8. The pink really isn't that bad! Sorry that you can't get the template changed :(

  9. Funny graphics!

    Yeah, I'm afraid to change, at this point, I know it will be weird.

  10. I think you and I must be in the same kinda place blogwise...

  11. Mista Jaycee - It's amazing how many Google images there are when you type in "computer frustration". lol

  12. Anything I can do to help? If you still want to change your template... just let me know, ok?
