Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

November 19, 2008

Another Before and After

This is a picture of my kitchen and the horrid vertical blinds, or what's left of them, that came with the house when we bought it. They were made of fabric and the weights at the bottom kept falling out. Out of complete frustration, I stuffed the weights back in and stapled the little pocket shut on both sides to keep them from falling out. They didn't do much to keep out the hot summer sun either. Then you have our enthusiastic but adorable Sagan. Whenever he is really, really excited, he jumps up and down. He jumps straight up in the air, like he's on a trampoline. He jumps up really high too. He's done it ever since we got him. Whenever he knows we are letting him out, or whenever we come home, he jumps up and down. It's a hoot to see his big silly laughing face bouncing up and down in the front door window. Even if he's out in the yard and I'm driving up the driveway and he's at the fence, he jumps up and his head easily clears the top of the 6' fence. Unfortunately, when he's upstairs and jumps up and down at the kitchen slider, his feet would tear down the fabric pieces. It got to the point where, as you can see by the photo, there was a HUGE gap where the blinds should be. Now that it's dark in the morning, I didn't like sitting there eating my breakfast at 6:00 a.m. without some modicum of privacy, so I hung that pitiful, ineffective wood blind thing outside.

It was clear that we had to get something new, but we aren't exactly "handy". Not at all. You won't find us browsing Home Depot or any other hardware stores for DIY items. We can't do ANYTHING ourselves, except paint. So I went to and ordered new "faux" wood verticals, and when they arrived, we had them installed.

Looks much better, eh?
They're not perfect, but they'll do. The company cut the blinds a 1/2" longer than the valance, but since it's on the microwave side, no one can see it so we don't care and it's certainly not worth sending them back and waiting another month.


  1. What I really love is your blue chandelier!

  2. The light fixtures are really beautiful. One of the many reasons why I wanted this house. There's the 5 lamp chandelier above the table, and a matching 3-lamp in the hall above the landing (it's a split-level home).

  3. Love the blinds and the chandelier! Are the wood slats Sagen-proof?

  4. don't you get such a nice feeling when you've done something new to the house - and you like it!?

  5. Fancy - Yes, they seem to be Sagan proof, so far, and we are trying to train him not to jump on them. He just gets SO excited!!

    Ann - Yes, it's a great feeling. But all the upgrades we do makes our carpet look that much worse!

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Looking good there Jojo

  7. Ah, blinds. The things my parrots could chew and my cats could claw, were I stupid enough to install any! I did put up some roller linds in the kitchen, but they are never more than halfway down to avoid kitty damage.

    I look with longing in catalogues and shops, but my purse stays closed.

    Hope your furbabies treat yours with the proper respect.

  8. Thanks Diane! It looks soooo much better.

    Val - These were super cheap. Only about $170 for the blinds/valance, and $70 for them to install. We also paid $45 for them to come out and measure b/c we wanted to make sure it was correct. They measured correctly but the blinds were still cut 1/2" too long but I don't care.

  9. What's half an inch between friends?

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    i wanna see a video of sagan jumping!

    the new blinds look very nice; i still have the verticals that came with my condo...18 yrs later. think it's time for a change????

  11. This reminds me, I need curtains or something for my dorm room... the horizontal blinds do not keep the sun out.

  12. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Wood blinds slats are the lightest of all blinds and are generally the best bet for large windows. They are known to give a cozy feel to the room and provide the desired privacy, even while allowing enough sunlight to filter through the slats.
