My last day in Vancouver was the best. The weather was amazing, and I went to North Vancouver to see the Capilano Suspension Bridge and to go up Grouse Mtn. I absolutely love the totem poles up here. I shot some great pics of the ones in Stanley Park but it was such a grey day that I didn't bother to post them. These poles are at Capilano. Canadians refer to their native peoples as First Nations.

Here's the bridge, looking back the way I came. The bridge does sway but it's really wide and sturdy. I wasn't near as afraid as I thought I'd be!

I thought this sign was cute. The west coast is home to the giant banana slug. I've seen them about 6" long and they fairly thick around, and yellow/brown colour. They thrive in the rainforests, redwood and evergreen forests and are revered. The Lake Quinault Lodge even sells stuffed toy banana slugs (I have one and he's really cute).

Treetops Adventure is on the other side of the suspension bridge, and are more suspension bridges that are about 100' off the forest floor.

Looking down at the Capilano Gorge from the suspension bridge.

Bridge as seen from the deck outside the gift shop.

Wood carving at the top of Grouse Mountain.

It was a hazy day, but you can still see Mt. Baker in Washington State, rising above the clouds. I assumed I'd see Baker, but I didn't expect it to be so big and so close (probably 90 miles south).

This picturesque scene was on one of the hiking trails on the top of Grouse Mtn.

Goat Mountain, as seen from the hiking trail.

The two rock formations are The Lions, for which Lions Gate Bridge was named.

Although I wish this plant had more flowers on it, this was the effect I was going for with the flower in the foreground, but Capilano Lake all the way at the bottom of the mountain, out of focus.

Here's one of the skyrides that brings you up to the top. It's a way cool ride, not near long enough for me. I made sure to be among the first on, both ways, in order to secure a killer seat and view.

Here's what Grouse Mtn looks like from Stanley Park, back downtown.

This picture is all cockeyed b/c I was shooting from my car window, while waiting in line to cross back into the USA. This is Peace Arch Park, which straddles the border. The top says, "Brethern Dwelling Together in Unity". I can't remember what the other side (US) says.