Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

October 3, 2018

King Richard's Faire

The 5th annual Earle family trip to King Richard's renaissance faire was last month.  It's always a fun time.  Expensive, but it's only once a year so it's worth it.

Last year we had the tickets but Russell was gravely ill.  The kids went, but he was in the hospital and we didn't even know if this would ever happen again.  I was as excited for his turkey leg and beer as he was!! 

Everything is so pretty!

I want to buy everything.

And the requisite family photo!

King Richards Faire runs from Labor Day through late October, located in Carver, MA.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Best. Faire. Ever! That looks like a hoot. I want some of that turkey leg right this very minute. Wow, has it really been a year already that Russell was in the hospital? I feel like so much has happened since then. Such a beautiful family. It looks like you guys had a much deserved good time!


    1. Thanks Elsie! It was a great time and I'm so glad he's still around to make memories with all of us.

  2. wow!! what a fun place.. you must enjoyed every moment..

    1. It's such a fun day!!! Nothing like a good Renaissance Faire!

  3. I was to one Renaissance Fair a long time ago. Very fun. Glad you had a good time and he got his huge turkey leg!

    1. I used to go to one in CA nearly 30 years ago, but this one's better. I'm not a fan of dark poultry meat so I opted for mac & cheese and an ear of roasted corn. And apple crisp!

  4. I remember you accounts of this faire from previous years. I didn't realise it was exactly at that time that Russell was so ill. I do hope he is being careful.

    1. His cardiologist is so pleased with his recovery & test results. He took him off another medication. That's why we're trying to get out more and start enjoying life now that he feels so much better.
