Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

October 12, 2012

Can't Get Enough of This Place!

It's extremely convenient to have Scusset Beach so close by.  I have really come to love this beach for so many reasons.  

These first pics were taken mid-morning on 9/16/12, a Sunday.  Tide was going out.

I looooooove to shoot waves.  I'm always hoping to capture something cool.  I got so lucky this day!

This one looks better close up, so do click on it to see it larger.

Oh please! Like that ever stopped me!  lol

Then on 9/24/12, we decided to go down there for a couple of hours in the early afternoon.  By the time I got to this point on the path, I could tell by the sound of the water that it was low tide.  I couldn't wait to get down on the sand bars!!

 And it was the lowest tide I think I've ever seen.  There's my honey looking for sea clam holes.

Killer ribbons of water

The water felt so good.  Still warmish from the summer sun and heat.

We saw this way out in the water and I was surprised at how fast it washed in.

More water ripples over the sand bar

Not only was this a dead low tide, but it was also one that brought a ton of seaweed.

It was all in the water


  1. Wonderful shots of the shore and the waves. I never realized how energetic and how much character a wave can have. Okay, excluding those gigantic pipeline curls that we see in professional surfing photos. :D

  2. Oh, Nice! Happy weekend wishes :)

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I'm packing my bags.......

  4. How rude to do this to me! haha. So makes me miss my SoCal roots - - we lived 15 minutes from the beach and I miss it!!!!!!

  5. I can smell the ozone.

  6. Awesome photos.... love the waves; did you see if there was anything in that cage that washed up? That looks cool!

  7. You're so lucky, I would love to be able to go to the beach anytime I wanted. Great collection of photos.
    Everyday Inspired

  8. I love your photos of the tide. They are awesome!


  9. Now I really want to go on holiday again.What type of camera do you use? Your photos are lovely and so much detail when they're made bigger.
