Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

December 10, 2011

Decorations 2011

After my awesome Thanksgiving weekend, I admit I was way more in the holiday decorating spirit, so I spent a day going through all the boxes of decorations that I brought with me and selected some for the livingroom.  My squeeze has been somewhat of a 'bah humbug' person and he has good reason to be, but he thought it was cute that I was excited to decorate our place.  I texted him that I was decorating and he texted back for me to have fun.  Then a couple hours later, he texts me 'make it look homey'.  I thought that was an adorable thing for him to say, considering he didn't seem to be looking forward to it.  

I forgot how much work decorating is though.  I didn't even put out half of my stuff and at that it still took me all damn day.  Of course I was also doing tons of laundry and decided to organize the top shelf of the bedroom closet at the same time....

So here are the decorations I chose to display this year.  I wish I'd had room to put up the brass tree that holds all my beaded balls and Radko ornaments, but alas, there's no place to put it.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer figures.  Isn't the Bumble cute!  I can't help picking him up and giving him a hug.  I always loved the Bumble.  The Little Blue Plane was always my fave Misfit Toy.  I also have a plush Plane toy (and a plush Bumble too).

More Rudolph figures.  I made that beaded poinsettia and that was my first and last foray into the world of beaded flowers.  It's just too time consuming!

I bought the beaded tree and added the decorations and toys around the base.

My dad made this tree out of wire hangers which he bent into shape, then wove silver garland and lights into it.  He was a very creative man.

This is yet another tree that I put in the livingroom, next to the TV.  I'd bought it in Washington when we got Sagan b/c it was small, but we never used it.  It was pretty worse for the wear and it took me awhile to bend it into shape. It's still leaning a little bit to the right but came out kind of pretty.  I didn't add many decorations to it b/c most of the one I have are too big to fit.

This fake pine garland also took hours to bend into shape, put up and then decorate.

Back in CA, I found some cool doodads for the garland, and I also use coloured glass balls decorated with glitter.

I'd quite forgotten I'd made these 2 beaded cross stitch ornaments because I hadn't decorated or put up a tree in several years.

I found these two beaded cross stitch 3-D ones too.  They were very difficult to make and stitch into shape, but the end result was nice.

Oh, and I'm happy to report that when my squeeze came home, he was happy with the end results and proclaimed it 'homey'.  Although he did crack wise about the amount of trees in the livingroom, and giant stack of Christmas cards ready to go out.  ;-)  I told him it could have been worse:  I could have had him sign his name to every single card instead of signing for him....


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Very festive :0)

  2. How many trees do you have! It's as much as I can do to remember to switch on my ONE (which I never actually put away after last Christmas...)

  3. LOVE IT, especially the tree your father made, my favorite. :)

  4. You can never have too many trees!! We have 4 that have to be decorated plus another 4 that are really small and ready done..I love trees :-D

    Your decorations look lovely..and I too love the one your dad made..very clever

  5. I love all the different trees. You're dad's is spectacular when lit.

    The last little bit about signing the cards cracked me up. Me and the hub are always bickery about why women are always the ones responsible for that shit... We just are!

  6. Wow! This reminds me of one of my mom's friends, who had collected 39 Xmas trees the last time we visited (you could barely squeeze through her house)...
    - your Scrooge-like friend who hasn't hung a single stocking yet
