Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

December 8, 2011

Christmas Comes to Shawme Pond

For over 20 years, the town has placed a lit Christmas tree in Shawme Pond.  Of course I've been gone all that time and only heard about it.  I always wondered how they got a tree into the pond.  I assumed it was on an anchored dock and had solar powered lights or something.  My friend Jay posted a Facebook status that they'd be putting the tree in the pond on Sunday, 11/27 around 11:30, so I went into town to watch.  I got there early so I killed some time shooting pics.

I didn't notice the pink reflection when I shot the picture, only after I downloaded it to my computer.  Beam me up Scotty! 

The diver on the left is Sean, and the one on the stone wall is Jay.  I've been friends with them since Junior High.  We worked at our high school radio station, WSDH, together.

Up goes the tree, very Mt. Suribachi-like.

They forced the trunk into the mud at the bottom of the pond and tied it into place.  Apparently the waterproof electric lights are a trade secret to the electrician company that fashioned it for this purpose.  They are plugged in at the Grist Mill on land.

Hard to see, but the lights are on.  I'll go back at night to reshoot it.


  1. thats so neat! what a great tradition :) and i love the picture of mt rainer as your header!
    your newest follower,

  2. You always take wonderful photos of your adventures. The ones here are so peaceful-looking. Makes me want to do my own walking adventure and just be touristy and take photos everywhere. LOL

    A Ladybug's Life


  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Aaaaah, how sweet!

  4. What an original idea. THese guys are mad, though - that water must be perishing!

  5. Don't you just love traditions!

  6. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I'm telling you, could be a professional photographer. Those photos of the ducks are exquisite. Loved the pink beam...since that's my favorite color, it can come hit me anytime!

  7. Hi Elisabeth! Welcome to my blog! I checked out yours too and it's great!

    Thanks Sonnia! You should go be touristy. It's a lot of fun and fairly addicting to shoot like this.

    Val, the farther they waded out, the more they were wincing loudly at the water temp. Everyone watching them from shore was chuckling.

    Nantz, thanks so much! I am thinking about branching out to selling photo-cards too, along w/ my jewelry.
