I can't believe it's only Tuesday. I feel like I've done a week's worth of work in 2 days. I love my boss, I do, but I cannot wait for him to leave. He cannot wait to leave.
Sagan will be boarding at Sumner Vet for his annual "July 4th Summer Camp" trip, because of the fireworks, although so far it hasn't been too bad. They went on sale on the Indian reservations last week, but I don't think people have the disposable income to buy more than they want to use on July 4th. But by the end of the week, the firecrackers, whistling Saturn missiles and the occasional (and illegal) half stick of dynamite or an M-80 will be driving my doggies insane. We send Sagan down to board usually for at least 3 days/nights. We also pay for the "Super Deluxe Pampered Pooch" treatment, so he's well taken care of. Pepper prefers to be with us.
As much as I would like to spend my weekend sleeping till 9 and then vegetating, half conscious on my reclining loveseat watching crappy TV, I have set some goals of things I'd like to get done.
First and foremost, as you can see, we kind of let the backyard go. It's been pouring rain for weeks and we can't get out there to cut it. The sun comes out and it grows like crazy, but we have to let it dry b/f we can attempt to use the lawnmower. Then it grows some more.
The grass must be at least 2' tall now, and will have to be weed wacked first, before it can be mowed. I can't take it anymore, it's just wretched. The front yard needs to be mowed too, the weeds are winning again and we have moss growing all over the place. It's taking over the concrete on the other side of the garage.
- Clean the house really well. Brian's been doing a good job keeping up with the vacuuming and bathroom, but it needs my touch every now and again. Between the dust, pet dander and dog hair, everything is pretty much coated with this icky film.
- Put all the DVDs, books and CDs away.
- Do my 2 new Craft Kit of the Month Club kits. Plus make more jewelry.
- Sweep the garage floor. It's still very clean and organized from my cleaning spree last fall but the floor is, again, covered in pine needles and leaves.
- Wash my car, unless it rains.
- Wash out Sagan's crate and wash all the pet bedding.
- Purge some closets and take a bunch of stuff to the Goodwill in town.
- Suck it up and contact Norton as to what the hell is wrong with my Norton. I loathe making tech calls.
- Do my 600th blog post (this is 599).
It sounds a bit ambitious seeing it all written out like that! I do want to take some time to relax and do some colouring. I've been making myself shut down the computer and/or TV by 9, or earlier, and read for a bit. Just finished the last 2 Harry Potters and enjoyed them way better this time around, now that we all know how it ends. Reading them before bed made me have a few Potter-themed dreams which were pretty cool. Snape was such a repugnant character in print, but I cannot deny a strong attraction to Alan Rickman as Snape in the movies. And also to Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. Kills me that they are in Slytherin. But I digress...
Finally, a very Happy Canada Day to our neighbours to the north!!