At the risk of pissing off all of my leftie friends, and violating my own policy about not discussing politics or religion, I feel I must speak out about the illegal immigration problem in the USA.
I am catching holy hell from people who I thought were friends, because I happen to support the new law in Arizona. One guy unfriended me from Facebook, then refriended me, then forced an anti-Arizona law email down my throat, and when I tried to enlighten him about the problems in South Africa, not even the illegal immigration issue, he requested that I remove him from my email list. Fine. Removed. And blocked. From both email and Facebook. Fuck off and die asshole. But I digress.
I was having an email chat a couple of weeks ago w/ BBG1, and I told her why I support the new Arizona law. She very astutely pointed out that I'm looking at the issue from a viewpoint that most Americans don't have because I am a first generation American on my dad's side, and a second generation American on my mom's. My family entered through the front door, legally and with appropriate papers and sponsors. OK I know we really can't compare the Immigration Wave of the early 1900's who passed through Ellis Island to the scores of illegals jumping the USA/Mexico border, but I am doing it anyway.
My Italian family came here in 1911, learned to speak English, assimilated quickly to their community in Yonkers, became citizens, worked damn hard and paid taxes. They didn't sneak in and have baby after baby, and then suck off the government year after year. They didn't even want to take handouts during the Great Depression, but did so out of necessity.
My father came from British Guiana, South America. He arrived at age 19, legally, and the first thing he did after receiving his citizenship was join the army and fight with the Allies in WW2, where he was badly injured in Italy and received a Purple Heart. My dad was proud to serve his new country.
My dad, his brother and sister were orphans in BG. Dad was able to sponsor Uncle Frank to come to the USA, where he also became a very successful businessman, in Wisconsin. My Aunt Stella, the eldest, moved from Georgetown, BG to London in the 50's, and then to Windsor, Ontario, Canada in the 60's. The plan was for her to get permission to come to the USA, become a citizen and live with Uncle Frank in Wisconsin. That's why she chose Windsor, because it's right across the river from Detroit, Michigan, and only a day's drive to Milwaukee. Her application for citizenship languished in limbo for a long time. My dad did plumbing work for people who had connections in Washington DC, but despite their best efforts, Aunt Stella was never granted permission to move here as a citizen. She was allowed to visit us of course, but had to return to Canada each time. She met a man in Windsor, and they enjoyed a few years of marital bliss before he died from cancer in the early 70's.
Aunt Stella was diagnosed with colon cancer in the mid-70's. She came to visit us for about 3 weeks in the spring of 1976, but sick as she was, she returned home. Do you know how easy it would have been for Uncle Frank or my dad to have said, "Just stay! Who cares? We were going to take care of you anyway, so just move here and don't worry about it." She could have lived in Uncle Frank's large home, or at my house. However, that was never an option, nor was it ever brought up as a possible option. My father and uncle would not break the law, and my aunt would never ask them to either. Aunt Stella died in early 1977, as a citizen of Canada.
So am I pissed off about the illegals? You bet your bippy I am!! Why should everything be in both English AND Spanish? Why do we allow non-citizens to have babies here and grant the babies citizenship? We have to close that loophole ASAP! Last week, the Everett Police caught a man in the middle of raping a woman. He had been deported back to Mexico FOUR TIMES. What the fuck is he doing here? Now that woman has to go through psychological and emotional trauma, both from being raped (as if that isn't bad enough) and also because the bastard should never have been here. The Mexican gang problems are on the rise, esp. in the border states. Why are illegal immigrants able to have access to welfare? Or have their health care visits paid by the state when my husband can't even get fucking health insurance? And he's an American? I received an email last week from one of my friends, that talked about how Bank of America is giving credit cards to illegal immigrants by waiving the requirement of having a Social Security Number. When an American calls, they request your SSN as additional ID. When an illegal calls and opts for the Spanish language person, no SSN request is made. Um, WHAT THE FUCK? So when those illegal fuckers default on their balances, MY rates go up?
I realize that the new Arizona law is a slippery slope, and reeks of 1930's era Germany, "YOU VILL SHOW US YOUR PAPERS!!" But I don't care. Other people are complaining that it opens the door for racial profiling. Again: Don't care. If you are in my country ILLEGALLY, get the fuck out. Do I care whenever a vanload of illegals perishes in the hot desert during the summer? Not even a teeny, tiny little bit. They want to come to America so bad, but the first thing they do is disrespect the USA by entering illegally??! GET THE FUCK OUT! Go back to Mexico and apply for legal citizenship and wait your turn. Besides, as I understand it, people cannot be asked to show their citizenship papers in Arizona unless and until they are stopped for good cause/reason. It's not like the cops are going to be stopping every person they see and demanding to see proof of citizenship. So if you are caught breaking the law, then I guess you need to pony up the proper ID. If you cannot do so, then your ass gets bounced back across the border where it belongs.
Here are some photos of the Sonoran Desert National Monument in Arizona. I got these in an email from one of my friends, whose brother lives in Arizona and is as disgusted with the illegals as I am.

Nice garbage dump eh? This is an Illegal Immigrant Super Highway, in a dry wash, located south of Tucson, Arizona. Fortunately they don't get much rain because if they did, it would wash this shit right out to the Pacific Ocean.

Clothes, backpacks, thousands and thousands of used diapers....pails of human waste.

You may live like this in Mexico and treat your environment like this, but Americans do not.

Disrespectful pigs.

This is a quote, from the email:
"The trash left behind by people illegally crossing our border is another Environmental Disaster to hit the USA. If these actions had been done in one of our Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas, there would be an uprising of the American people.....but this is the Arizona-Mexican border. You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC..... Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the uncovered human waste left in our desert. However, with respect to CNN, ABC & NBC, they do offer us "Special Reports" on cheating celebrity spouses....This information needs to be seen by the rest of the country.
It's not about Right vs Left, Liberal vs. Conservative, Republican vs. Democrat. It's about supporting the US Constitution." 
How about
this picture? An illegal
demanding Free Everything, or else they will shoot more Arizona police. "You owe us America!" We do? We owe them for what? I don't have free health insurance, I don't have a free home, I can't walk into Safeway and not pay for my groceries.
GET THE FUCK OUT! Do you think that Mexico tolerates illegal immigration to their country? No, they most certainly do NOT. Their laws are way more strict and harsh than Arizona's new law. So it's OK to break our laws but not OK to break theirs?

I actually
do have a solution for this problem. And I think it's a damn good one too. If people want to come to the USA and are unwilling or unable to wait their turn for legal citizenship, then they are more than welcome to enter the United States through the Military Recruitment Office. Come here, enlist immediately, go for English language immersion (I'm sure there are plenty of Spanish-speaking people in the military), go through basic training and put in the four years. Our poor troops are on their 3rd and 4th, or more, tours over in the Middle East. Military enlistment is way, way down. At the conclusion of their military service, they will be citizens of the USA. This goes for both men and women. I'd also like to see large fines levied upon those employers (mostly agricultural) who hire illegals to work for them under the table.
I make absolutely no apology for how I feel. I consider myself social liberally (but fiscally conservative), but this is one socially liberal issue on which I
refuse to budge. My family, on both sides, came here through the
front door, and that fact shapes how I feel on this issue. I support the US Constitution, not the rights of illegals who treat my country like a toilet and commit horrible crimes upon arrival. If you want to brand me a racist against illegal Mexicans, then that's fine too. If you are
truly my friend, then you love & accept me, no matter how divergent our opinions might be. But I could not stay quiet on this issue any longer. When I got those photos in my email last week, I decided to blog them.
That said, if something realistic isn't done about this problem soon, I predict more and more of a divide in this country, which is something we can ill afford.