Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

October 22, 2008

Mystery Solved.....

We were having a good time on Facebook over the weekend, when I finally scanned pictures from my college years and my old friends from high school and both colleges could see them. We were cracking wise for quite awhile. It's been a long time since I looked at these photo albums, and now that I am staring down the barrel at *gag* "middle age, I look at them from a different perspective and hope that my freshman niece isn't doing the things I did when I was a freshman & sophomore.

Let's just say that the mystery of my mediocre (at best) grades, has now been solved. I now present to you what, apparently, was my favorite class:

Underage Drinking 101
St. Joseph's College of Maine

Jessica, Tammy & Deb

Nancy, Tammy & Kathy

Chris & Jackie
These next few were taken during my sophomore year.

Karen & my roomie/BFF/sister, Michelle.

Here I am, hoisting my beer, proudly. I don't even like beer. I've never liked it. I drank it quickly to get buzzed and I usually cut off my sense of taste as it went down.

Me & Michelle hung out w/ guys, for the most part. Here's a shot of Dave, Michelle & Dwayne, partying in Dave's room. Did I mention that co-ed, inter-room visitation, known at St. Joe's (and other Catholic colleges) as "parietals", was an offense punishable by a 10 day off campus suspension? Can't tell ya how many times she and I found ourselves stuffed into closets or hiding under desks when the Assistant Dean decided to take a stroll through the boys' townhouses at around 10:00 pm. to make sure there was no hanky and/or panky going on.

Dave & Pete.

Me & Michelle. Note my natural hair color. lol
Ugh, Budweiser out of the can. Ew.

Back home for the holidays, Holly & I went to a New Years Eve party with all of our friends from high school who were either in their senior years, or freshmen in college. Here is my friend Andy, who I've known since he was in 5th grade and I was in 7th. He was still in high school in this pic. Over the weekend, on Facebook, he assured me that it was just a big glass of cider. Yeah. Right.

Me, Rob & Bridget. Rob was also still in high school.
Holly and I toasting the New Year 1984.


  1. OMG - I love these photos! You kind of look like how I looked, well, maybe it's because I had the same hair and clothes! LOL

    Sounds like a fun class ;) And yes, your niece is probably doing the same thing. Funny how when we get older we "forget" about what it was like to be young and...and well, YOUNG! lol

  2. My God Child will be going off to college next year. All I can say is...Please let her be smarter than her mother and me!

  3. WOW!!!
    What a fun trip down memory lane. I love that natural hair color, babe!

  4. Oh, good times. I miss Toronto for this reason. It's all legal there, and very little is enforced.

  5. Why does my comments section now appear as a drop down, w/o people's avatar pics???

  6. I'm constantly telling my son that he cannot get away with anything. I'll know what he's up to because I've already done it, and done it better!.

    Great pics.

  7. Drowsey - Yeah, my first couple of years at St. Joe's was purely social. I skipped a lot of classes and partied a lot. I hope my niece(s) don't do stupid things like hitchhike into town to steal milk crates from the back of the supermarket like me & my roomie did.

    Tess - I hear that!

    Axe - I can't find any hair colour product that duplicates my natural colour, which is mostly grey now.

    Kathleen - Once I turned the legal age, it wasn't as much fun to get wasted anymore.

    Fancy - One of the many reasons why we didn't have kids!!!!

  8. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Jojo, reeladmin have posted a lot of blurb from Blogger about the 'new' comments box, in answer to me asking what happened to the comments box?! Apparently, Blogger thinks it's a lovely new feature. Oh well, that's alright then. I think it looks boring and ugly, especially since everyone's cute little profile pics are no longer visible. Comments here seem to have gone back to the 'old' style and are still that way at the Cat; thank heavens!

    Anyways, great post. I love all those 80's hairstyles. Don't worry, I had them too - and shoulder pads. Happily, given my aversion to having my picture taken under ANY circumstances, there is very little photographic evidence of these items.

  9. It's not drop down anymore... it's new window.

    Damn Blogger.

  10. Actually I got it to go back, by going into the edit feature and fixing it so that the box looks the same as it used to.

  11. Fun pics!

    Actually, you all look very wholesome and innocent to me! (maybe that's just the extreme youth!)

  12. Anonymous6:27 PM

    kinda looks like 6 East, Shaw Hall, MSU, circa 1975-1977...except we were allowed to have guys on our floor, AND allowed to have liquor.
    ahhhh, those were the days

  13. I confess,I hated dorm living and I was a huge geek.Granted a dark humored geek,but a geek.

    I miss my own space!

  14. I wrote a great comment last night, but then Blogger said Blogger wasn't available - even though I was on a Blogger blog.

    Can't remember now what I said.

    Oh, one thing - when I was at Uni, my college (it was a collegiate university) had the best bar on campus, and made so much money that it bought a couple of houses in the neighbouring village for students to rent.

    And mixed residences were the norm. God bless the 70s - but only 'cos they learned from the 60s.

  15. I wrote a great comment last night, but then Blogger said Blogger wasn't available - even though I was on a Blogger blog.

    Can't remember now what I said.

    Oh, one thing - when I was at Uni, my college (it was a collegiate university) had the best bar on campus, and made so much money that it bought a couple of houses in the neighbouring village for students to rent.

    And mixed residences were the norm. God bless the 70s - but only 'cos they learned from the 60s.

  16. Daisy - I was pretty wholesome for the most part...but for my nickname "EB" lol

    Fen - Emerson was way less strict and our dorms were all coed. I had guys on the same floor as me, my last 2 yrs.

    Bryde - It was a huge adjustment for me to go from being an only child to having roomies, but I enjoyed it.

    Val - Blogger was giving me fits yesterday and I couldn't comment ANYWHERE. I have to hit all your blogs again today.


    Ah, I'm on the Internet at last. Evils of my past.

    Remember the security guard we called Weebles because he wobbled when he walked (but didn't fall down)? He was soooo slow and we always saw him coming. Dave would
    stuff us in the closet and cut the music and Weebles would pound on the door yelling, "I know you're in there!!" Pound, pound... Giggles from us.

    Ah, Pete Lungo, he caught his tighty whities on fire once when he lit his farts on fire. Ow.

    Michelle in Maine

  18. it looks mighty white there...!
    when older daughter left for college 4 years ago, she was so glad that there were people other than honkies there. (our town is too damn white.)

  19. Annie - There were a couple of black & Native American people that were at St. Joe's but yeah, it was mighty white. Emerson, being in Boston, was WAY more diverse.

    Michelle - Oh yeah, I remember when Pete lit his undies on fire. I'm just glad I wasn't there to witness it.

  20. Anonymous12:29 PM

    oh wow, so young and innocent... NOT!
    I studied in Israel (late 60's early 70's) where normal practice was not shared dorms, or shared rooms, but shared beds with the guys, especially when I was there in 1973 through the blackouts... oh those were the days my friend :)

  21. Oh look, now it let me make the same comment twice!

  22. Those are too funny! You look so sweet and innocent in the last pic but I guess we know the truth now :) I wish I had taken more pics from my 'party days'
