Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

June 30, 2007

Beaded Tchotchkes

Just finished this project a couple of weeks ago and I'm really pleased with the way it came out. This is what I was working on when I took that mental health day. I got the outer silver ring with the little loops from Fire Mountain Gems, and then just beaded blue and pink penctacles on it and added the beaded danglies. Those were lots of fun to make. This is one of those projects that I was sorry to have to see end, as I enjoyed it and it came out better than I thought it would.The weight of the front fringe pulls the project down just enough to be able to see the design on the top, and makes the whole piece that much more unusual. This was completely unintended on my part, as I don't have the mathmatical ability to calculate weights, so it came as a pleasant surprise when it was done and I held it up by the top loop and it looked like this.

I tried to get all of the focal beads to match the colour of the seed beads.


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    WOW!'s beautiful. i especially like your assortment of beads and colors...where will you hang it?

  2. Very cool. You should do a beaded curtain. In fact, I wonder if there's a market for beaded curtains, given the cachet of Sixties retro fashion and the fortieth anniversary of the Summer of Love?

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Beautiful. Now, where to hang space? There's probably some here at my house...

  4. Don't know how you have the patience for that but it is beautiful.

  5. Mark - I wanted to do a beaded curtain but Brian said that the beaded curtain in the den makes enough noise and he didn't want another one!!!

    I'm not sure where I'll hang it yet but I am thinking, at least for now, in the living room. We have a huge picture window and it gets a lot of afternoon light.

  6. So Beautiful. I admire your patience JoJo. If I tried to do that, I'd need a mental health day!

  7. wow! beautiful! you really should set up some sort of website and sell some of this stuff. share your talent with the rest of the world;)

  8. Thanks you guys! :D

    Tess - I worked on this DURING a mental health day! Crafts keep me sane.

  9. You have such a good eye for these things. (That sounds like a line from LOCI!)

  10. that is truly beautiful jojo. good job :)

    you should make me somethin! ;)

  11. That's quite lovely.


    I especially like the pentacle. It speaks to me. LOL! Being, you know, who I am and all....

    What are you gonna do with it?

  13. Beautiful! You know, I agree with Kris, you should put up a website and share your great work, it's really worthed :-)

  14. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Let's just agree that you must begin selling your crafts on the web and that we all bug you unitl you do!

  15. these look soooo cool!
