Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

February 20, 2007

Congratulations Brian!!

I just want to offer my sincere congratulations to my hubby on the bonus and raise he received today! He hasn't even been a Weyco a year yet!! I love you honey!!! Buy me somethin' pretty! lol The above is a picture of Weyco's corporate offices in Federal Way. Brian doesn't work in this building, but in one of the satelite buildings on the Weyco campus.


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM


    Congratulations Brian. Celebrations are in order.

  2. Congratulations Brian...3 cheers!!

  3. aw congratulations!!

  4. Congrats Brian!! (hope he get you something good :))

  5. Well done, Brian. Just goes to show that they still reward merit.

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Time to hit Amazon for VDO-goodies then??

  7. congrats! that's awesome. sounds like he works for a good company. my husbands place hasn't given raises since 9/11. they promoted him to a "better-or-higher" position, but don't pay him for it. the thing is, he likes it there, and as i've lived with him when he's had jobs that he hates, i much prefer this. you'll have to tell us how you celerate!!
