A close up shot of the tree on the powerlines on 190th Street.

Just one of many limbs hanging off the lines.

Looking up our driveway at the mess.

The front yard mess.

This debris pile is our neighbor's, across the street. They have way more fir trees in their yard than we do and the pile, as you can see, is as high as the 4 ft. chain link fence. We dumped our debris in the storm culvert so it doesn't look near as impressive as this one. The City of Bonney Lake is supposed to be doing clean up.

And here's a kick in the teeth, Puget Sound Energy is asking for a rate hike next year, in order to pass the cost of this storm on to their customers!! Technically,
they owe
us over $400 for the spoiled food, so I don't see why we should have to pay for them to do their job and get the power back on!
WE were lucky compared to your situation. These photos tell the story. I am happy that you are ok even though you are being victimized again.