Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

September 25, 2012

Arrrrrrr I Won A Chest-O-Booty, Me Mateys!

September 19th was Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Everyone was Arrrrrrr'ing it up on Facebook.  Did you know you could change your language settings on Facebook to 'Pirate English'?  It's really funny. Only visible to you though...when your friends go to your Timeline they see it in regular English.  But your newsfeed is all in pirate. 

Anywho, Artbeads had a drawing for a Chest o'Booty that day and all you had to do was send them an email in pirate-speak.  Well I admit I had to google 'how to speak like a pirate' and got onto a site with some very helpful phrases.  So I sent Artbeads my email.  I am one of these people who keeps their email inbox, drafts, junk mail and trash as empty as possible.  I already deleted the email to Artbeads so I don't remember specifically what I said.  I figured my entry was a long shot considering how many fans they have (78,000) who would also enter - I counted 47 'likes' and 8 comments on the post on FB, so who knows how many emails they got.  Apparently it was good enough to be declared the winner!!  The only thing that I recall writing was something about, 'Tomorry we go on account and sail from Ye Olde Tides Tavern.'  Artbeads is in Gig Harbor, WA and the Tides is a locally famous restaurant.  I had kinda hoped that using a local reference like that, especially with me being in Massachusetts, would tip the scales in my favour. 

This was posted on their Facebook page the next day!!!!  I also got a confirmation email which is what I saw first before spotting this on their FB.

My winnings arrived within a few days!

I got 2 Jolly Roger charms, 2 cabochons, one treasure chest charm and a bag-o-beads!  How cool is that?


  1. Arrrr that be some really great booty Jo. I'm hornswaggled.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Congrats on your win!

    I didn't know you could change your settings on Facebook, how funny. I haven't been on FB in weeks though.

  3. Yar-har, me matey!
    (i.e. "congratulations")

  4. Well done!

    I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again - Is the NO END to your talents?

  5. That is so cute. Do you have any plans for them yet. Something Halloween inspired perhaps?

  6. Thanks all!

    Bev, no plans for the items yet. I have to think on it.

  7. Congrats girl! Love what you got! :)


  8. Arrr! that's all I can do. But go you! You've received some lovely goodies there, can't wait to see what you do with them :)

  9. Congrats... I love your jewelry and hope you get your Etsy page back up.

  10. Congratulations!! How cool!!

