Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM
November 27, 2007
Is it me?
Throughout the years, my favourite Crissmiss carols have changed. When I was a real little kid, I loved "Sleighride" and "Winter Wonderland" the best. Then I went through a "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "Do You Hear What I Hear?" phase in the mid-70's. But it was the Andre Cold Duck commercial that started running in 1975 or 1976 that caught my attention, because they used "Carol of the Bells", which has been my fave carol since then.
Unfortunately, this season, the Powers That Be have done a nice job of taking my fave carol and beating it into the ground. Over Thanksgiving weekend, I logged six, count 'em SIX commercials using "Carol of the Bells". Brian was in hysterics every time a commercial would start and I'd reach for my pen and paper, poised to jot down yet another tired rehashing of "Carol". The offenders are, as follows:
Verizon Wireless
DirecTV/Qwest Broadband
The movie "Fred Claus"
The winner of the "Most Obnoxious Use of Carol of the Bells", however, goes to Hyundai, with their unbelievably annoying ad campaign using "Duh", which started to get old the first time with their use of "2001: A Space Odyssey" earlier this summer. I'm embarassed to be driving a Hyundai, lemme tell ya. And we're a 2-Hyundai family too!
The winner of the "Best Use of Carol of the Bells" goes to Garmin GPS because at least the new lyrics are really funny & clever, and the choir sounds great.
I've also noticed that a lot of ads are overusing music from "The Nutcracker" as well.
Needless to say, if I hear another carol of any kind, I'm gonna start taking hostages. I used to break out my holiday music tapes and listen to them in my car going to and from work. Unfortunately this season, the tapes will continue to gather dust in the back room.
Brian read a sad statistic the other day that says that most Americans are going into the holiday season this year in really bad moods. We're suffering from war fatigue, the constant bickering and scandals involving politicians, not to mention the massive foreclosures & bankruptcies and the price of gas. Could this be why the commercials are driving me mad?
All I can say is, if Kia runs their year-end sales event ad this January, I will slit my throat. Seriously. I'm sure the rest of you forgot the hell that was January, 2007, watching a bunch of fat, middle aged car salespeople lumber their way through "So Long, Farewell" from "The Sound of Music". It was an obnoxious song when the Von Trapp kids sang it, and it's ten times more annoying as a commercial jingle.
And it's not just the holiday ads with the singing that piss me off, I get apoplectic at the "guilt trip jewelry" ads as well. "Give her the gift she really wants! DIAMONDS!" or the one with the bitch who snaps at her husband, "He went to JARED!" And the bumbling husband cringes from his holiday mistake. I keep shouting at the TV, "Screw you bitch! You're lucky you got anything at all ya selfish pig!" And since when do couples give each other CARS as presents? How does that even work?
Hmmm.....maybe I should just quit watching TV? Nah. It's more fun to send emails to the companies bitching about their stupid ads.
November 24, 2007
A Relaxing Weekend
Because many of our neighbors either took down trees or had them fall in the storms, we discovered that we almost have a killer view of Mt. Rainier from our deck. If we could just locate these 2 offending, scraggly fir trees and cut them down, it would be an unobstructed view and raise our property value by a staggering sum. I'm kind of hoping Ma Nature takes care of these 2 trees in the next storm, although I certainly don't want the trees to damage anyone's home.

"I has turkey sammich!" nom nom nom nom
The large beads are so incredibly pretty and eye catching and it's a shame you can't really see them in this picture. They are sort of a peachy/pale green.
I got the dichroic pendant in Portland and then created necklace with pink & topaz Swarovski crystal. This one is especially sparkly.
November 21, 2007
November 20, 2007
Canis Doofus
This is one of my two Canis Doofi. I have to say, this particular German shepherd is not terribly intimidating when he's running around with a squeak toy in his mouth. I'm convinced that he'd let anyone in the house as long as they gave him a belly rub and a biscuit. Well, maybe not....But he sure acts goofy around us.
Sagan sez, "I has a duck!"
Here are the rules...Post your earliest memory that is:
#1 Clear enough to include three details.
#2 Give your age.
#3 Pass it along to some other folks.
OK, please don't commit me to Western State Hospital after reading this!!!
My earliest memory is of being in my crib, "making people" out of tissue. If I can remember it, I had to have been at least 2 or 3; I have no idea how old I was when my parents decided I could sleep in a bed (although my mom's favourite joke is that I was 16).
I must have been sick because I don't know why else there would have been an unlimited supply of kleenex available to me. I can remember being awake, my orange-bulbed nightlight throwing shadows in my darkened room. I would tear off a piece of tissue, roll it into a ball, put it in my mouth, then put the damped tissue in my hand and make a fist to "mold" it. When I opened my hand, the tissue ball had turned into a little person; the only one I can clearly remember was a farmer wearing denim overalls and a hat. I made an entire community that night, and I had them lined up all around my crib. I talked to them and they talked to me. In the morning, I woke up and went to look for my people but they were all gone. My mom still tells the story of the time she came upstairs to check on me and found all these wadded up balls of tissue in my crib and she'd wondered what in the hell I'd been doing during the night. She cleaned them all out before I woke up. Now I tease her about the time she destroyed my village.
Tagging Axe, Val, Susan, Kris, Kristy & Bryde.
November 15, 2007
Since I had the photoalbum out....
Washington State is home to the lower 48's only rainforests. When Michelle and John came to visit us in 2000, we just didn't have the time to drive the nearly 200 miles out to the Olympic Peninsula to see the large Hoh and Quinault Rainforests. However, there is a small rainforest trail at the Carbon River entrance to Mt. Rainier National Park, and that's a good one to show visitors when you can't get out to the Oly Pen.

It would be nice if they can fix the road so that we can access this part of the Park again, as it's the most remote corner of Mt. Rainier. However, it seems that all the repair funding is being channeled into repairing the buildings and trails at the visitor centers at Sunrise and Paradise, and reopening scenic Stevens Road, which has been closed for over a year now. It doesn't help that the other day we had another windstorm and a gust of 119 mph was recorded at Camp Muir, high on Mt. Rainier, so there is no doubt further damage to the Park.
November 14, 2007
Beautiful Winter Sunrise
"Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning. Red Sky at Night, Sailors' Delight."
I did not take this photo, although I wish I'd had my camera with me when I got to work today and saw the sky. From November to winter solstice in December, when we have a sunrise like this, Mt. Rainier casts a triangular shadow on the clouds, which is what you see here. I was able to capture this shadow phenomena once several years ago, but the sky in my photo is not nearly as colourful as it is here.

November 13, 2007
November 11, 2007
Keeping with the Animal Theme
The Pac NW is a huge region, the core being made up of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and southeastern Alaska, as well as British Columbia, Canada. Arguments can be made that the NW could also include far northern California, western Montana and western Alberta.
A few years ago, in June, 2000, Michelle & John came out from Maine to visit us for a week. We had only lived in WA a year at the time, so it was a lot of fun for me to take some time off and see some of the sites with them. We wisely chose a weekday to visit Northwest Trek and it was much less crowded than on weekends. I've only been to NW Trek the one time, because both the drive and the crowds on the weekend are not something I wish to deal with.

The first thing we did was take a tram ride through the largest part of the park. This area is only accessable by tram because the animals roam freely and always have the right of way. So if a herd of slow moving elk decides to hang out on the road, you're going to be there till they decide to move. But what a wonderful way to see these beautiful creatures up close and personal!
As I do not know the names of some of these animals, I invite all of you to fill me in! Anyone know what kind of bird this is?

"Nice rack!"

After the tram, you can walk acres and acres of trails through the natural habits of the smaller critters. The barriers between you and the animals are so natural and unobtrusive, you get the feeling of being right there with them and not like you are in a large zoo. Here's a plump porkypine.