Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

September 22, 2018

Girl's Day!

"Whatchoo mean I don't get to go?"

"I can snuggle with Grumpa instead?  COOL!"

I didn't notice it at the time I took this...cause Dale never stands still....but he has 'sick eyes' here, and the guys said he was pretty subdued all day.  Dinner later on at Golden Corral was challenging as he got sick everywhere almost as soon as we sat down with our plates.  I was grateful to the staff for their help, and that we were sitting in an empty area.  It wasn't a terribly relaxing sit down meal as we took turns keeping Mark entertained while the guys took Dale to the men's room to clean him up.  Casi & I made a couple reconnoiters to grab bags of oyster crackers and saltines for her to put in the diaper bag to bring home.

I love this little bug so much.  He's such a cuddle bunny.

This kid and his expressions.  They kill me.  I shoot him on the sports setting so that I get his ever changing face.

I can't even deal with how cute he is.

Casi, Tina & I went back to Jungle Jim's and I was able to get some shots of cool wine bottles and labels.  It was a mob scene too.

I don't drink, esp. not Saki, so I didn't buy anything.  The bottles are pretty.

Tina got this....mostly for the bottle....but she said later the wine was awful.

She got one of these too with floating gold bits!

 More pastries I can't have.

I love ice tea cookies but not at that price!

There is a section of funny socks I hadn't seen before.

If I wore socks over my ankle I would've gotten some.

I'm not sure I want to know how they determined the look and feel of real boogers.

Next stop was the casino where Lady Luck failed to smile on us and we lost.  

 Me & Casi

Me, Casi & Tina.  This is our 'thing' now, we have to do a girls day every time I visit now!  It's so much fun!!

The first few days we were in town, the weather was comfortable but it turned hot and humid.  Made for a few cool sunsets.


  1. You gals know how to have fun. Super summer 2018!

    1. We really do! Last time we did girls day we got tattoos. haha

  2. Those eyes - so prominent and gorgeous. I love that first photo - it's remarkably expressive.

    Hugs, JoJo. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. He's a very expressive little baby.

  3. You certainly seem to have been having a good time all round except for the time when Dale was sick. Poor little lad.

    1. Poor guy was very sick that night and the next day. Thanks!

  4. Wow! You seem to have had a great time visiting all the places!
