Mt. Rainier and Lenticular Clouds - Dec. 2008 copyright: JMM

October 15, 2019

Joanne'ing Up The House, Pt 2

Sorry for the flood of photos but there's a lot to look at in this house.  I am NOT moving again.  I would love to sell this place someday and move to OH to be closer to the kids, but after unpacking literally EVERYTHING I've had in storage over the years, I am in no hurry to do it again any time soon.  In fact, I didn't even decorate for Halloween cause I just can't face going through all the totes. 

So without further adieu, here is the downstairs.

The Office

Which now contains a crap ton of stuff.  My old bureau has been pressed into service to hold my fabric, paper and altered art supplies.  Every drawer is full.

Looking out of the door.

The left side is stuffed full of craft supplies.  The right is stuff with all the decoration bins for Halloween/fall and Christmas.

Craft books, and the cabinet has all my coloured pencils, markers, crayons, etc.  The colouring books yet to do are the sideways ones



My dad built the smaller bookshelf.  It was nice to finally unpack my books and record albums! 

Craftroom a/k/a 'The room formerly known as Dining'.  My dad also built that hutch cabinet and probably did the knotty pine.  Perfect for bottle collection, marbles and my Harry Potter stuff.

PNW wall.

Isn't that chandelier the bomb?  I always wanted one to replace the old one. 

Looking into the kitchen

The wall of doors.  Just off the left is that door to an outside porch.  Door to the hallway, one to the cellar and to the livingroom.  The cellar is creepy.  No one likes going down there.  It's extremely tiny.

Hard to see but the window has a ton of window crystals and since this pic was taken, I've added a lot of bottles on the sill.

Livingroom which is now painted a light blue grey.  It used to be yellow.  I. Hate. Yellow.

Kitchen  The wallpaper in this room is peeling off the walls.  We aren't in a position to deal with this room right now so I did my best with adhesive spray and positioning stuff over the seams that are lifting.

Looking at the porch

Porch.  A good friend of my dad's carved this sign for him when my dad bought a beach house in the 60s. I repainted it in the 80s and it was in the coop.  Now it's the first thing you see when you come in the door.

Hallway.  That painting of this house was done in the early 90s.

Almost all the windows had these frilly curtains which I never liked.  This is the only window that I left them in because I think they work with the decorations and the view of the outside porch.

Outside Porch.  Nice to set a'spell on a cool, breezy afternoon.  Unfortunately we didn't get too many of those.  


  1. There's a lot to look at and explore at your house. A guest would have to stay for weeks to see it all. Neat. Love all the fridge magnets - it's holding the fridge together! Enjoy your home sweet home...deep breath and sit on the lovely front porch.

    1. Thanks Joanne! The mosquitoes have driven us inside every time we tried sitting out there!

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I'm in love with your porch! And that view out the window. Amazing! I'm happy for you, Joanne. As I said in the post, I'm so glad you're making your childhood home all yours. Making it your home where you can settle in and feel good.


    1. Thanks Elsie!!! It finally feels like I can call it 'my house' cause for so long it's been 'my parents' or 'my mom's'.

  3. Omgosh. I could be there a month and not see everything that has caught my eye just in these pictures! What a cool home. Really. It's just cool. The cherry on top would be if you shared with us that your house is haunted then I'm movin' in! :D

  4. I can see why you don't want to move again. There's so much to see, I spotted a broomstick!

  5. JoJo, you have got a lot of stuff! Thank goodness you have a house large enough to put it in. I know each piece has sentimental value and I just love a person who collects refrigerator magnets.

  6. Hi JoJo, wondering how you're doing, haven't heard from you in a while over at Pacific NW Seasons and I see you haven't blogged for several months. Alas my blog is dwindling but I still aim to post when I can! cheers from the NW! jill

  7. Hi JoJo, I love the house and you have some amazing stuff. I definitely need that chandelier in my life. I've just returned again after another 2 year absence and so disappointed to see that you haven't posted recently. I would love to hear from you. I hope you are safe and well during these crazy times we are living in now. Hope to see a post from you sometime soon. Martha

  8. I haven't dropped by in ages...
    Aren't you blogging any longer? I hope all is well with you and your family. Stay safe and come back when you can.

  9. I'm in love with your porch! And that view out the window. Amazing! I'm happy for you.

    clipping path

  10. Just dropping by to let you know that you are missed out here in the blogosphere!

  11. I come here from time to time to check to see if you have returned. I wonder if you're okay. I keep hoping that you are! Best wishes and please know that you're still in my thoughts. (1/15/2023)
