October 11, 2016


I was pretty much housebound all of September again cause the heat and humidity refused to let go. Then we had a ton of cloudy, rainy days which were awesome and very much enjoyed.

When we finally got a dry day, I mowed the lawn for the first time in 2 months.  While I was on the hill outside the shed, I decided to try and clean up the rotted wood bits from when we tried to fix it up.  Of course me being me, I caught my leg on a jagged piece of wood and sliced the crap out of it.

And the fall baking has begun.  I should've either cut this recipe in half or given a bunch away as I'm a tad sick of pumpkin spice now.  They were yummy though!

We both ended up really sick with upper respiratory infections at the end of Sept.  All I could do was watch TV and cross stitch a beaded hummingbird while hacking up a lung.  My diagnosis was a sinus infection.  

We had a cool sunset in Sept too.  Such a sucker for pinky clouds.

This area has a huge problem with wild turkeys.  There are thousands of them and they roam the neighbourhoods in huge flocks, stopping traffic and often trying to attack humans that are trying to shoo them away.  This was as close as I was getting to the ones that wandered into my yard.

They showed up at a most inconvenient time, blocking my driveway when I had to leave for a doctor's appointment.

Pretty moon.

Back in July when I went to Sue's house, she took me to the swap shop down at the Bourne Dump. It's a little house where you can bring gently used items and leave them and the public can take what they want for free.  She handed me a silver metal sphere with holes in and said I could probably do something with it.  I didn't even know what it was, but inside were instructions and it was a rice cooker. 

I sprayed it with multicolour glitter paint then spent quite awhile wiring 266 Czech glass crystals into every single hole.  That was unbelievably time consuming.  I knew I wanted to make it into the planet Saturn but how to do the rings?  My best option was to use a clear plastic shrinky dink sheet, cut it into a circle, and then use glitter puff paint on the edges to make the coloured rings.

I like how it came out!

We're finally starting to feel better but for a nagging cough and being tired all the time too.  I got the Halloween decorations up at the beginning of the month although it took about 3 days when usually it takes an afternoon.  It's just so nice to finally have cool weather.  Hoping to get out and do a few more things before winter hits.


  1. Seems the older we get, the longer it takes to get over 'stuff.' Sorry about the injury - just when you got into gear, too. Beautiful clouds, I like the pinky ones too, also orange, and purple. Ha Ha. Cookies - I freeze any extra, but I still end up eating them all in record time. I love your 'Saturn' and wouldn't mind something like that if I had a place to hang. Turkeys, I was going to say, just drive, forgetting they are sense challenged ... they probably would watch their friends get run over and think (?) oops.

    Interesting post!

    1. Thanks SJ! I probably should've frozen the cookies but our freezer is so small. Believe me it was tempting to run them over but I just can't do that. I would feel terribly guilty.

  2. mmmmm...turkey! ;)

    love your planet!!! and glad you are feeling better

  3. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I'm happy you're feeling better. Sinus infections suck. I love your saturn! You're so stinkin' creative! Um, those cookies would've been gone in record time in this house. :) Happy to see you back.

    1. Thanks Karen! My fall isn't quite going as planned either. I'm tired of being so exhausted all the time. lol I can send you that cookie recipe if you want to try it.

  4. Sorry you have been in the wars lately JoJo. Thought you hadn't posted much. Hope you will be completely better soon. Love your sunset clouds and your planet is rather fun. As for the wild turkeys, shoot 'em and cook 'em.

    1. Thanks Jo. You'd think that the turkey meat could be used for shelters and soup kitchens but apparently it's tough and stringy. They need to be culled though.

    2. I've eaten wild turkey, it's not that bad. And certainly for soup - you don't have to leave the meat in after all

    3. I guess that's true enough. But for some reason, no one kills them. Probably not too safe when the flocks are always wandering through neighbourhoods and yards. I would've thought coyotes would keep them culled but I guess not.

  5. Hi Jojo.. sorry you hurt yourself, wishing it to heal soon!

    Wow.. in spite of few bad things in September good moments seem overweight that... I liked how your Saturn turned out too:)) Happy October, happy crafting and coming up Halloween!

    1. Thanks! A happy October to you too! I need to get Halloween candy!

  6. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Oh, JoJo, I'm so sorry you've been so sick lately. You've had such a hard time lately. My heart goes out to you. I hope this month is much better for the two of you.

    We have the same problem with geese that you have with turkeys. They are everywhere! They just take their sweet time walking across the road. Ugh! ;)

    1. Thanks Elsie. I just wish I could shake this exhaustion. I get tired after just a little while of doing something. Geese are mean...there was a huge problem with them in Western WA, esp. Seattle, about 16 years ago. They rounded them up and gassed them cause of all the poop and attacking people.

  7. Lots of projects. Hard to comment on all. First- get and stay healthy. That is key
    Second- your cloud pics are pretty. The Saturn thing is way cool. And win over turkeys. Good luck. Fun variety post!!

    1. Thanks Joanne! I should've broken this post up into a couple of them, but I'm so lazy anymore. lol

  8. Ooh, your poor leg. I'm so lucky to have a tame handyman clearing my overgrown garden. And trying to block all the holes the darling mice are getting into the kitchen through! They ignore humane traps and don't seem to go for the poison I reluctantly put down. As for my cats, they are too busy sleeping upstairs on my bed to be bothered! (Well, they are old...)

    1. The handyman that our landlords had is a junkie. He's allegedly clean but he doesn't look like it to me. He gave me the creeps so bad I told my landlords that I'd rather buy my own mower and do the yard, and Russell can do the repairs.
