December 21, 2017

Giants of Sandwich & the Tree in the Pond

Several years ago, Magyar's Glass Studio began to make these really cool giant statues wrapped with lights.  Their popularity has continued to grow and he has made upwards of 60 giants which are placed all over town at various businesses.  A few years ago when I could still drive at night, I went around a little bit to take pictures but over time I've had to stop cause I can't see that well anymore.  My awesome husband has actually eagerly volunteered to drive me around after dark so that I can lug my tripod and stuff.  He finds a safe place to park so that I can set up my shots.  I really appreciate it! 

Heritage Museum and Gardens

Sandwich Glass Museum

Lights in the trees next to Town Hall

First Church of Christ

This is at a store that sells weather stuff

Dan'l Webster Inn

Beautiful old homes

When we were kids, this was a penny candy store with wooden floors.  Then it was a florist and then a piano/organ shop.  

Episcopal church

The Belfry B&B

More pretty homes

 Of course we had to stop so I could shoot the tree in the pond

Crow Farm.

Titcomb's Books

One of my faves

Another one I love.  The swan and dragon are on a very dark road and are quite striking.

Sandwich Legion.  I LOVE how this came out.


  1. wow wow wow. I'm ready to hop on a plane and head that way. I would love to see that. Your photos are exceptional

    1. Thanks Joanne! You should come some Christmas! There are about 66 Giants....I shot pics of 59 of them.

  2. Hey JoJo,

    Such awesome illuminations. Such photos put me in picture paradise.

    Thank you!


    1. Thanks Gary! It's the prettiest town at Christmas. Way more lights and decorations than I've seen in other towns.

  3. Wonderful photos. I am pleased that you were able to get out and take the photos. I think they would give your community a lot of pleasure at Christmas and me too!

    1. Thanks Rosemary! It's truly awesome to see them, and especially the magnificent old homes downtown.

  4. Please thank your hubs for us too. What makes these photos so great is the dark-light contrast.
    A warm, loving Christmas to you and yours, JoJo.

    1. Thanks Robyn! A peaceful Christmas to you too!

  5. so much fun! thanks for showing us all the lights - so very festive
