March 28, 2017

The Knob

After leaving the beach, we headed to the parking lot and trail to The Knob.  This is another place I'd never heard of the first time I lived here.  Some of my friends have posted pics of sunset there and it's so gorgeous.  I don't think I could go down there for sunset because I don't want to walk the rocky and rooty trail in the dark....and I also don't drive after dark anymore either.

I've included a couple of maps of the Cape showing where The Knob is located in Falmouth.

Almost as far as Woods Hole.

A mooring chain under the water

We walked on the little beach for a bit before clambering up to the trail.

No idea what that is.

Looking out at Buzzards Bay from the top of The Knob.  I was much higher up than this looks.

Waaayyyy out there is the top of Naushon Island.

The view was incredible.

I hope to come back here when things are green!

New Bedford is somewhere over there

The clouds were unusual too.

Heading back

There were stone stairs going down to the water but I'm a major league klutz and didn't want to tempt fate.

Another adorable and excited pup!  He was very friendly too.

This was a really nice junket.  I'm hoping there will be more outings soon!

March 25, 2017

Old Silver & Chapoquoit Beaches

Jen and I were discussing how Cape kids were funny in that we pretty much stayed in our own towns, or would congregate at the Mall in Hyannis.  As a result, she's spent little time in Sandwich and I've spent very little time in Falmouth.  It always seemed like it was 'so far away' and I'd almost rather go to Boston or PTown instead of 'all the way to Falmouth'.  It's so stupid cause it's less than 20 miles away.  Boston is like 55 miles and PTown over 60.

So because of that, this is the first time I've ever been to Old Silver Beach.  It's really popular in summer of course but they charge a lot to park.  

It was an incredibly still & clear day on the water.  That's looking out into Buzzards Bay, at the Cleveland Ledge Lighthouse which I've featured in posts from my trips to Scraggy Neck.

We both found decent beach glass hauls from here! 

Doesn't the water look tropical?

Next we stopped at The Stone Store.  This is so incredibly worth stopping to see.  There are so many crystals, stones, and all kinds of stuff made from them, hanging things, carvings, etc.  Fossils.  I'm definitely going back there again.  

Next stop was to the town landing for a few more snappies.

Next stop was Chapoquoit Beach for more great glass finds!

Quite a few off leash doggies who were extremely enthusiastic about being at the beach.  I wish I could trust Sagan off leash but I really don't, that's why I didn't bring him.  He hasn't been around dogs, other than Pepper, for many years.  I'd have to try doggie daycare first to get him used to it again.

This was my haul!  Jen found a bunch of great pieces too!