March 12, 2015

More Ice Studies

Now that the clocks went ahead, sunrise is just before 7 right now, so I was able to capture this pretty one when I took the dogs out.  This was on Monday.

Heading back from Sandwich on Tuesday morning I saw more ice chunks clogging the Canal so I went over to the Mass Maritime campus to check it out.  The tide was flowing west to east, so the ice was going past me and under the bridges, from Buzzards Bay to Cape Cod Bay.

Again, the ice was moving right to left in these pics.

Then I figured ice chunks were probably flowing into Buttermilk Bay too so I drove over to the beach near my house.

Sure enough, it was floating past me (left to right in these pics) into Buttermilk Bay.

It was actually very warm on the mid 40s.  I was too hot in my winter coat!!!  It was awesome!

 Couple gulls hanging out.

Frozen UFO or sunhat?  You make the call!


  1. Isn't that a wonderful sight? Our lakes are beginning to look like that too, with the birds returning. The trumpeter swans have been back for a while, swimming in whatever water was available. Walked outside yesterday morning and was greeted to the sound of the birds singing again. Sooooooo happy. :)

    1. I just can't wait to see my yard again. I'm slowly starting to see my driveway but parts of it are still covered in 4" of thick and slippery ice. I think the roof danger has finally passed too. It's really windy today but it's not an icy wind which is really nice!

  2. Great pix again JoJo. Considering how much snow you guys had, it's lucky you are not getting ice jams. Definitely a frozen UFO. It's warmer here, long may it last.

    1. Thanks! Well the Canal keeps the currents flowing pretty well so as to avoid total freeze ups, but a lot of ice chunks have washed up on the beaches in Wellfleet on the lower Cape. I haven't been up there.

  3. Such a pretty sky to greet the day!


    1. It was! Although we do swear by 'red sky at morning, sailors take warning' so I was a little apprehensive as to what Monday/night would bring. Fortunately it just rained on Tuesday night.

  4. Maybe winter is truly over!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. I sure hope so but the damn 's' word is STILL in the forecast.

  5. Frozen flowing water is something I've rarely seen.

    You change your clocks so early! It's a couple more weeks till Europe does it.

    1. We used to change them back in April but slowly they've moved it back to early March. I hate it....I like standard time.

  6. Cool shots, I especially like the ones where the water's reflection is featured.

    1. Thanks! Those are my faves as well. The reflections were really pretty that day.

  7. It's surreal for me to see photos of snow on the beach. They're remarkable shots.

    I think it's a snow hat - too trendy to be a UFO.

    Take care and be well, JoJo.

    1. Hi Robyn! Thanks! I wish I had gotten to the lower Cape to see the giant ice floes that washed up on shore. They were taller than humans. But I blew it.
