September 24, 2012

It's a Sickness, Really....

So it's fall and most of the tourists have returned to their lives elsewhere, except a few weekend people.  That means the crowds at the beaches will ease up, and therefore, more beach glass can be found without all the competition.  I cannot emphasize enough just how addicting looking for beach glass is.  And taking photos.  

Off I went one absolutely gorgeous late morning, to a small and unnamed beach over on the Cape side of Bourne.  Not really much to find in this cove, but I'm glad I stopped anyway.  It's always interesting to me to see this part of the Cape for some reason, this farthest western shore that abuts the Canal.

Couldn't resist making one.

Directly across the Canal from this beach is Mass Maritime.

Next I thought I'd take a stab at Mashnee Island again.  I figured if anyone else was parked there I'd just drive on by and then head out of the area, but luckily the place was deserted.  I parked and went out for a long walk.  

Tons and tons of shells and shellfish!

I found a few pieces of glass....not quite worn all the way but my rule of thumb is if it's not sharp enough to cut or stab me, then it's acceptable.  I tossed a lot of fresh glass back into the water.  But I also found a few pieces of worn glass, unusual bits and pieces, so my drive to continue hiking around the point, in front of private homes that face the western entrance of the Canal and Buzzards Bay, overtook my desire to not get caught trespassing on their beaches.  This area is an excellent place to search for glass because of the way it juts out into the Bay.

This is actually at the Bourne Rotary.  I've been meaning to take a picture of it for ages and finally pulled into their parking lot for a couple of quick snaps.

Never saw one of these in my 47 years and now I find a second operculum in less than a month!!

Yes this is a taillight piece but it was kicked into the sand from the parking lot and was scuffed up/worn, so I say it counts as finding red beach glass, the rarest of the rare. 

My haul from both beaches.  The operculum is the pearly thing on the left.  I also got that opaque pink piece too.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I'm just back from the south coast of England and missing the sea outside my window, so thanks for reminding me of what I'm missing ;0)

  2. Your pictures make me want to come for a visit. We could go beach-combing together.:) I love the one close up photo of the ship. It looks like a painting.

  3. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I just went to the oceanfront yesterday - the one I avoid at all costs during the summer because of tourists - and it was so empty! Love your pictures, JoJo, glad you were able to find so many treasures.

  4. One of my favorite necklaces ever, and I wore it literally out, restringing would not fix how worn the beads had become, had a center piece of blue beach glass. Congrats on your great find and thanks for sharing all those great pictures of me. I don't know if I've told you, but I grew up spending weekends and summers on the Chesapeake Bay, so I thoroughly enjoy anything of that type and you took me back there today. Just what I needed. And you need to explain about the spoons. Cuz I think I don't have any silverware at all...
    Tina @ Life is Good

  5. Very nice collection of photos Jojo, I felt like I was there with you. I love looking for beach glass too. On the coast here you used to occasionally find the glass balls used by japanese fishing boats as floats and that was the ultimate beachcombing find. Keep 'em coming!

  6. What a wonderful way to spend a day. Your photos are gorgeous, and they make me want to walk on the beach with you. Looks like you found a nice collection of beach glass.
    Everyday Inspired

  7. No wonder you have no room (or time) to unpack your books! And when would you find time to read them anyway?
