September 6, 2011

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

I'd taken a walk down to the little beach at Buttermilk Bay, near my house, in early August.  I was horrified to see this trash.  Litter is unacceptable to me.  If you can pack your stuff in, you can pack your trash out again.  But it's not enough to simply be "horrified" by it, and then go home and grumble about what pigs people are and how repugnant the human race is.

So the next morning I grabbed a trash bag and my groovy pink gloves and headed back down to the beach.  

It took all of 10 minutes to clean up that litter, plus the bits of trash I found in the park next to the beach.  It was August 9th, the 16th anniversary of Jerry Garcia's death.  I think he would have approved of how I observed it.

What looks like white paper are actually clam shells, bleached wood and rocks, and the green thing in the center is a sprinkler head.  All the trash is gone.

I didn't post this for an 'attaboy' or pat on the back, but to show that one person can make a difference in a short amount of time.  Think globally, act locally.


  1. Brilliant idea. One of our Green Party ex-councillors used to take a cherry picker and a bag with him and clear up as he went. I do the odd bit, but nothing like as intensive as what you did. You're an inspiration (which is btter than being a candidate for an Attaboy).

  2. Except this was completely littered just a few weeks later. Then Hurricane Irene pushed more flotsam and jetsam up into it during the high tide that day....People are so wretched.

  3. That's an awesome gesture of love for Mother Nature! In behalf of all the people around the world, thank you!

    A Ladybug's Life


  4. That's an awesome gesture of love for Mother Nature! In behalf of all the people around the world, thank you!

    A Ladybug's Life


  5. Good on ya! Harley and I do the same thing in our neighborhood.. We live on a main drag so people are always flinging stuff out their windows into our YARD! It's so nasty. But it is providing Harley with some good life lessons. he's a picker upper now.

    Yes, I know Jerry would approve. Salut.

  6. "Attaboy(girl)" anyway! Nice job. I think we could all do a bit more of this. Thanks for setting such a positive example.

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Well done you!! I genuinely do NOT understand how people can knowingly 'drop' things and just walk away. Do they think the 'Clean Up Fairies' will take it all away???!

  8. (((Jojo))) what a great post. And the title is so great. Just what I needed to see today. All these damn fundies and rightwingers around here make me depressed sometimes! :P
