September 25, 2007

Ride the SLUT

The South Lake Union Trolley has just begun operation in Seattle, and the good folks at Kapow! Coffee in Seattle printed these shirts as a joke. Needless to say, the story got picked up by the national news last week and now they are getting orders for the shirt from all over the world. If anyone is interested in getting one for themselves, friend or significant other, here's the link: .


  1. Classic! I will ask my pal in Seattle about this new phenomenon.

  2. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I saw this in the news. Now some folks are trying to change the name.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM


    that's uber rad.

  4. Joe - really? I hadn't heard that! Well, my shirt's been preordered and they have about a 2-3 week turnaround!

  5. People are so stupid not to think what their organisation's initials spell. Same with parents naming kids. They should really watch the middle name that starts with a vowel.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry, accidentally posted the same comment twice'cos it didn't seem to go at first. So much for the new programme that speeds things up.

  8. Val - Actually the "trolley" is really referred to as a "streetcar", but the folks at Kapow! Coffee decided to call it "trolley" to purposely make a shirt that read Ride the Slut.

    And you are right about kids' initials: the reason my name is spelled 'Joanne' and not 'Jo Anne' is that my maiden name began w/ M and my parents didn't want me called "JAM"

  9. Anonymous10:22 PM

    awwww, but, jam is SO cute. people need to chill...where's everyone's sense of humor? how about this:
    Circuitous Underground Nebraska Transit.

  10. Okay, slightly off-topic, but I had a good laugh at my gutter mind the other day on Myspace.

    I got a friend request, but it didn't display the full name. All it said was "I love cu....." (The user's name) Of course I thought the dirtiest thing, but when I went to his link, I was embarrassed to see his name is "I love cupcakes" !!!!!


  11. Hi, I'm seeking Vincent D's phone number.

    Just kidding. Actually I've come by via our fellow Deadhead friend Annie (and I see my fave Troll is here as well).

    So hi. I'll be around, so I guess I can pick up on the whole Vincent thing as I go along, eh? ;)

  12. Uh, Fen..Not sure I appreciate that!

  13. Welcome O'Tim!! Glad to have another blogger stop by! Actually, I defer all the D'Onofrio stuff to some of my fellow bloggers b/c they do it better than me!

  14. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Could I add the word 'Vincent' at the beginning of this and add an arrow point to me???!
