November 16, 2017

Bell Road & Aptucxet Trading Post Mural

I couldn't resist stopping on Bell Road to take pics of the RR bridge from that side.  It was such a pretty fall day.

I'd soooo hoped for a train but alas....nothing.

The Army Corp of Engineers operates the Canal.

Mass Maritime across the way.

I remembered that a new mural was painted under the railroad tracks near Aptucxet Trading Post.  I will have to return when the light is better.

Osprey (aka Seahawk)

There are minks that live in the rip rap.  They keep the rodent population down.

I had to look this up when I got home cause I didn't know what a 'Lagoda' was.  It's the name of Bourne's ship.

HERE is some information about the Lagoda.  I've seen the scaled down version at the Whaling Museum but I didn't take any notice of the name at the time, or the significance and history.

November 13, 2017

Monk's Park, Bourne

There are quite a few local trails and preserves in our area but I'm always a little reluctant to go there alone because they tend to be somewhat desolate and these days I'm concerned about the possibility of some wack job stealing my camera and killing me.  So I never go.  Now that I have Russell home recuperating, we can check out the trails when weather permits.

We went to Monk's Park in Bourne.  He's shellfished here in the past so familiar with the area.  It was a very cold, crisp day but the sun felt good.

Bayberries.  People make candles out of them....we did it in Campfire Girls.

Nice reflection despite the lack of foliage.

Coast guard flew over

Looking out of the cove towards Buzzards Bay

This bench was so high that I couldn't get on it and he said he felt like me cause his feet didn't touch the ground and he could swing them.

This is called pipeweed.  I'd never seen it before after it turned red. 

Bridge under the tracks.  That puddle below it is all frozen on the edges.  Puddle....more like a giant pot hole that I was a bit nervous to drive over.

November 10, 2017

Walking for Health & Happiness

We're trying to take advantage of some of the few fall days that are left before winter starts, by taking more walks on the Canal, whenever Russell feels up to it.  

Our first one was exactly one month after I took him home.  I'm so proud of how hard he's working on getting well and so relieved that he's making progress.  Despite the clouds, this was a fairly warm day...we were comfortable in shorts and jackets.

The love of my life.  

Next time we walked at the Canal was in Sandwich, a few days later.  

 It's relaxing to watch the boats.

Then one night out of nowhere he goes, 'Wanna go down to the Canal?'  I was in my jammies and watching TV but I checked the marine traffic website and saw that a car carrier ship was about to enter our end so we threw on some clothes and went down about 6:30.  It's much darker than these pics show because the shutter was open longer, so when I was walking towards the water, the ship blew it's horn as it approached the bridge.  It was coming in so quietly that I jumped out of my skin!  I had no idea it was THAT close.  

Beautiful full moon that night and this was the best pic I was able to get of it. 

We also went down to the beach near our house for a short walk.

The sum total of this year's foliage.

Hubs watching the minnows.

This was another late afternoon suggestion to head down the Canal for a walk.  It was much chillier but we were unprepared for the cold wind on the water.  We lasted about 5 minutes before getting back in the car! 

Sun lighting up the Bourne Bridge under threatening skies.

 We drove over to Mass Maritime so I could get a few more shots....Russell wisely stayed in the car.


 A whole bunch of seagulls and cormorants were floating along on the current and diving for fish. 

We probably only have a few more halfway decent days to walk before he'll have to join Planet Fitness and use the treadmill!